Thursday, August 5

Spooky Things Have Started Arriving in the Shop!

Ghouls and goblins alike will love this skull soap bar! I bet you'll catch a few pirates with these bars in their bathrooms this year too!

Ensure that all the little goblins wash their hands before digging into their trick or treat bags, while impress grown up ghouls with this perfectly spooky guest soap!

There's no "bones" about it - these fish bone soaps are super cool and spooky! Their bodies are gone, these fish are full of Halloween spirit!

Hidden in this bar of soap is a spooky, forgotten secret! Turns out that this bar was cut from a skeleton grave yard! After carefully exorcising any bad spirits that might be ready to haunt any handmade soap lovers, I've released these bars as part of my special Halloween collection! ....... Ok, so I didn't really find a soapy skeleton graveyard or perform any soapy exorcisms but it didn't make for a good intro didn't it? :)

I have LOTS more Halloween inspired bath and body goodies to come so keep an eye on my online shop!

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