Thursday, March 31

My Week So Far: It's a Batty Life

It feels like I just wrote one of these posts! How could a week have gone by already? This week has gone by super fast so far. I've been in a funk the past few days. You may have noticed that by the lack of updates around the blog. I'm hoping to crawl out of this funk soon!

On Sunday Drew and I went to the mall for the afternoon. We rarely go to the mall but sometimes it's nice to just walk around and people watch :)
The great part about the weekend was I could get away without wearing a big winter jacket to go between the car and mall!
Above are pictures that I know some of you have been waiting for - the results of my latest dye job! In most light the purple looks purple, but sometimes it still looks very blue! Usually indoors it looks purple, and outdoors in the bright sunlight it looks blue. In the last picture you can see the "true" color of the purple in one of my longer layers - that pretty lighter purple. I'm interested to see what it looks like as it fades out (if I leave it that long lol).

Above is a picture of a frame we picked up a few months ago. I absolutely love it! It's empty because we're saving it for our wedding photo. The wedding isn't until October but it's just too lovely not to put up - empty or not :)

The girls! If you're following me on instagram you would have seen that when I took this picture, I said something along the lines of "surrounded by loved ones but still in sucky mood". I'm still surrounded, and still feeling the funk. (to find me on instagram just search battysbath)
While we were at the mall on Sunday we picked up some nail polish! I almost never buy nail polish but I've been in the mood to do my nails lately. I couldn't resist when I found "mood swing" nail polish that changes color! The one I got goes from light to dark teal. Dark teal is supposed to be "passionate" and light teal is "shy". I'm obsessed with glitter so I couldn't leave just the plain color on. I added that beautiful blend of purple, blue, and pink glitter. I don't think I've seen a more pretty blend of glitter! It inspires me - perhaps a new hair color? ;)
  • Lots of spring items have arrived!! Check out the seasonal section of the Etsy shop for all the new goodies including gift packs, soaps, hand cream, and bath bombs!
  • Honey Bee Mine Lip Balm has arrived
  • Body Scrubs have been restocked
  • Finalized my schedule from now until November! Lots of craft shows and covent garden market dates have been booked! I've left a few openings for home parties. Watch the events section at, the side bar of this blog, or the Facebook Fan Page for updates.


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