The holiday break has been great! We've spent lots of time with family, got lots of super (fun and practical) gifts, relaxed and I've also had another productive week for Batty's Bath.
Here's some of the highlights from another productive week:
1. Sending all those Health Canada forms out!
Look at that stack of forms! A lot of work went into them and I'm so glad to have them totally completed and on their way to Health Canada :)

2. Organizing the Studio!
We brought two additional bookcases up from the basement AND I got new awesome shelves for Christmas from Drew. The studio is packed with all the She's Batty Designs stuff so we needed to bring up the additional bookcases and figure out some more shelving options to make room for the Batty's Bath stuff! Hopefully within the next week or so the new shelves will up on the wall and not blocking those red drawers :) For more pictures of the studio, have a look here.

3. I'm continuing to get stellar reviews from friends and family!
Over the holidays I let my friends and family try out my body butter and they are totally in love with it! They are already asking me when they can buy it! Things seem to be off to a really good start and hopefully this is a sign of things to come :)
Wish you all the best! Happy New Year!